01. Domestic Prison
02. Mass Graves
03. Complaint
04. A Life's a Life
05. Pay For...
06. Unrest
07. Reality Distortion
08. Down My Throat
09. Tortured In Entirety
10. Religion Is a Fraud
11. We Stand Corrected
12. Faction Disaster
13. Human Garbage
14. Without Sincerity
15. Neglected
16. Same Old Shit
17. For What?
18. Squandered
19. Mindlock
20. Green to Grey
21. Critics
22. Dog Eat Dog
23. Deprived
24. Give It Back
25. Victims of Tradition
26. Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish
27. Smash Divisions
28. Lack of Intelligence
29. No Values
30. Solidarity